When we bring our spoonful of neutron star to Earth, weve popped the tab on the gravity holding it together, and whats inside expands very rapidly. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. feed 2022 . You'd probably notice the weight gain, and you'd definitely notice the failure of roads, bridges, power lines, satellites, and undersea cables. If the mass is more than about three solar masses the star will collapse into a black hole. After a month, the Earth would have expanded by 26 kilometersan increase of 0.4%and its mass would have increased by 1.2%. Breathing in this situation would be difficult. Therefore, only the surfaces can cool by the emission of such radiation. View our Privacy Policy. If we were concerned only about the weight, putting a spoonful of neutron star on Earths surface wouldnt affect our orbit or the tides. Can a job not hire you because of anxiety? Its protons and electrons have fused together to create neutrons under the pressure of the collapse. 3.262 light-years, or a little less than the distance from here to Alpha Centauri. Some types of stars can vary in a wide range of sizes as well. So, perhaps the neutron stars' neutrons got converted? Look at your handthere are about a trillion neutrinos from the Sun passing through it every second. On the other hand, if the atmosphere is also expanding, surface air pressure would rise. If you have a math background, it's sort of like seeing the expression "ln(x)e"it's not that, taken literally, it doesn't make sense, but it's hard to imagine a situation where it would apply. And apols again to the first explained who seemed to appreciate their submission as only a placeholder so I overwrote rather than integrated. Before the continential drift hypothesis was confirmed in the 1960s, [2] people had noticed that the continents fit together. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Sure, it would release a little CO2, but it would be nothing compared to the pollution from our current sources of energy. 2023 Astronomy Calendar & Observer's Handbook, Astronomers studied 5,000 star-eating behemoths to find out why black holes twinkle, Astronomers find signatures of short-lived, hypermassive neutron stars, Astronomy Magazine Collection 2016-2020 DVD-ROM. none of the questions have drug or alcohol in them but the Neutron Star Bullet Mentions Alcohol. Join Us in Tucson for Our Annual Public Star Party! The neutron star, a pulsar designated PSR J0952-0607, is thus the densest object within sight of Earth. Hairbun assumes that this is to block out cosmic rays, as is the case with the real life Irvine-Michigan-Brookhaven (IMB) detector, started in Lake Erie in 1979, or the Enriched Xenon Observatory (EXO), placed in the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) salt mine in . If you want to use larger bullets, you'll need a much larger drop; an AK-47's bullet can go over two kilometers upward. 4 min . I had to turn it over in my head a few times after I heard it. 2.3 AU is a little more than the distance between the Sun and Mars. 09:45, 17 September 2020 (UTC), My opinion: I'm kinda getting bored of this types of comics here - listing some real scientific stuff and some made up. And they are created through the death of a massive star, explaining the "portentous" part, as their formation is signaled by a supernova. Red dwarf: 0.09-0.5 R; 0.07-0.3 M, 1500-4000 K, 0.00001-0.05 L. A tablespoon of neutron star weighs more than 1 billion tons (900 billion kg) the weight of Mount Everest. Small chunks of ice falling from space disintegrate and boil away before they reach the ground, warming the upper atmosphere. Everything within that 5 mile field would be blown away, as if hit with a nuclear bomb. [1] But under the right conditions, you could catch a bullet. Inbox, #5, Weird (and Worrying) Questions from the What If? Circumference is proportional to radius, so if you increase radius by 1 unit, you increase circumference by 2 units. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. It's hard to answer that, because the premise of the question is that the radius is steadily expanding while the density stays the samewhereas a black hole, the density increases. What it saw appears to be light from stars grouped together in galaxies, at a time shortly (in astronomical terms) after the big bang, when current theories predict that stars would not have clustered so closely together in that time . Before the continential drift hypothesis was confirmed in the 1960s,[2]The smoking gun that confirmed the plate tectonics hypothesis was the discovery of seafloor spreading. 11:02, 30 November 2020 (UTC), No, not really. After a few years, the comet's greenhouse effect would have trapped more heat than the ice absorbed, and over the decades to follow, the extra heat would keep piling up. \[ 0.5\text{ nanosieverts} \times\left ( \frac{1\text{ parsec}}{x}\right )^2 = 5\text{ sieverts} \] Its like adding another mountain. Although there are some black holes with a mass of 70 times the sun). This heat energy would be about 100 times greater than the energy needed to bring even a very cold comet up to room temperature, so a comet falling from space would heat the Earth 100 times more than it cooled it. This crowd takes up an area the size of Rhode Island. How do I move data from one tab to another in Excel? As such, they are the densest objects in the universe. A bigger projectile can go further. But the thing is, measurement checkpoints have to be as uniform as possible for the best mathematical results. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The series is produced by Marvel Studios and was released on Disney+. Thank goodness xkcd creator Randall Munroe is here to help. This means you're free to copy and share these comics (but not to sell them). After 100 years, we'd be experiencing over six gees of gravity. A neutron star isn't as dense as a black hole . A sugar cube of neutron star material weighs as . The Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer mission, or NICER, will study the extraordinary environments strong gravity, ultra-dense matter, and the most powerful magnetic fields in the universe embodied by neutron stars. people had noticed that the continents fit together. A 3D illustration of a neutron star in the nebula. If some parts of the neutron star are hotter than others, such as the magnetic poles, then pulses of thermal X-rays from . . \[ x=0.00001118\text{ parsecs}=2.3\text{ AU} \] Neutron stars are phenomenally dense. Could I cool down the Earth by capturing a comet and dropping it in the ocean, like an ice cube in a glass of water? Neutron stars cram roughly 1.3 to 2.5 solar masses into a city-sized sphere perhaps 20 kilometers (12 miles) across. Not only would we be unable to move around to find food, but our hearts would be unable to pump blood to our brains. Less often if you're a child, since you have fewer atoms to be hit. This page was last edited on 26 May 2022, at 19:45. They're like the baby brothers of black holes. According to ballistics lab Close Focus Research, this is almost exactly how high a .22 Long Rifle bullet will fly if fired directly upward. [3]If you want to be mean to first-year calculus students, you can ask them to take the derivative of ln(x)e dx. "Sir, is this container under 3 ounces?" "Not sure, how much blood is there in a church mouse?" Reply . more from Astronomy's weekly email newsletter. In the scenario where the atmosphere isn't expanding, the air would become thin enough to be difficult to breathe even at sea level. articles, published either in Randall Munroe's What If? Gamma And Neutrino Radiation Dose From Gamma Ray Bursts And Nearby Supernovae. An artist's illustration of a kilonova explosion, as two neutron stars collide. 2: Additional Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions is out! Unfazed by absurdity, Randall consults the latest research on everything from swing-set physics to airplane-catapult design to clearly and concisely answer his readers questions. His 2014 book What If? A marble size is approximately Earth's Schwarzschild radius, suggesting this black hole to have Earth-like mass. is a blog hosted on the xkcd.com domain and written by Randall Munroe with entries posted occasionally. This is due to a combination of factors. The physicist who mentioned this problem to me told me his rule of thumb for estimating supernova-related numbers: However big you think supernovae are, they're bigger than that. White dwarf: 0.003-0.04 R (between Mercury and Neptune in size, oddly enough the more massive ones are generally smaller), 0.07-1.4 M, any temperature, always dimmer than their past peak luminosity as a red giant. In that case, the birth of the black hole may be very energetic.". A tiny piece of a comet would float for a short time until it became waterlogged, melted, and broke apart. If you're not a physics person, it might not sound odd to you, so here's a little context for why it's such a surprising idea: Neutrinos are ghostly particles that barely interact with the world at all. Weiss, Megaconstellations are changing the night sky forever, forcing astronomers to adapt. Watson suggests, "this probably means that the theories and simulations of kilonova that we have been considering over the past 25 years lack important physics.". It would just take a lot of patience. The Earth is not, currently, expanding. Of course, he was being figurativeyou wouldn't see the bullet coming, so you'd be just as likely to catch it with your face as with your glove. The comic's tagline describes it as "a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language". Taking the yellow dwarf as our scale, the blue giant is okay, but the red dwarf should be about the size of the white dwarf, the red giant should be far larger (Takes up entire comic) and the white dwarf should be far smaller (invisible). What if neutron star bullet? View our Privacy Policy. A supernova radiates 10 times more neutrinos than there are particles, protons, neutrons and electrons in the sun. A neutron star forms when a main sequence star with between about eight and 20 times the Sun's mass runs out of hydrogen in its core. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. [1] People have long suggested that it might be. Karam calculates that the neutrino radiation dose at a distance of one parsec[6]3.262 light-years, or a little less than the distance from here to Alpha Centauri. This an illusion, of course; it's not possible to catch a bullet like that. This an illusion, of course; it's not possible to catch a bullet like that. "Supernovas" is also fine. Inbox, #9, Weird (and Worrying) Questions from the What If? Inbox, #8, Weird (and Worrying) Questions from the What If? "Supernovii" is discouraged. 0:04. in Philosophy, Physics and Chemistry. although it still periodically makes the rounds on YouTube. In any of these scenarios, you'd have to get extraordinarily lucky. Well, if you hooked it up to a generator, you could use the slowly-descending comet to produce electricity. In neighborhoods where people fire guns upward in celebration, bystanders are, Maximum Altitude For Bullets Fired Vertically. All Rights Reserved 2022 Theme: Promos by. All human structures will stay. This means that the accreting gas can spiral very close to the neutron star before it is grabbed by the magnetic field. Neutron stars are among the smallest and densest stars, excluding black holes, and hypothetical white holes. [6]Mass is proportional to radius cubed, and gravity is proportional to mass times inverse square of radius, so radius3 / radius2 = radius. Not only would the ground (and atmosphere) be rising toward them, but the increased gravity would also cause their orbit to slowly shrink. [11]Sasselov, Dimitar D.. This 'infographic' chart purports to be a comparative guide to various star types, often described by a basic color, which is something that even naked-eye astronomy has determined, and may be qualified as 'dwarf' or 'giant' to describe relative sizes. Copper is a fantastically good conductor of electricity, and much of the 20,000 amps could easily take a shortcut through the bullet. Everest would no longer be in the "death zone". As the Earth grows, the Moon would, like all our satellites, gradually spiral inward. ''Your stupid!''. The star starts fusing helium to carbon, like lower-mass stars. This animation shows the size and scale of a neutron star over San Francisco. What If? Even after a day, the extra 5.4 kilometers would be handled easily by virtually all structures. When it comes to shape, though, neutron star collisions seem to be key. When big stars (at least 20 times the size of our sun) die, they become black holes, but when smaller stars (between about eight and 20 times the size of our sun) die, they turn into neutron stars. Only small insects (and sea animals) would be physically able to move around. Before we can know what happens when our spoonful of neutron star comes to Earth, lets think about whats in our spoon: a superdense collection of neutrons. Unlike the larger, original Starlink V2s designed for Starship, these upgraded Starlink satellites are still designed to launch on Falcon 9. If you weighed 70 kilograms when the expansion started, you'd weigh 70.01 at the end of the day. Most of our infrastructure would have collapsed. A tablespoon of the Sun, depending on where you scoop, would weigh about 5 pounds (2 kilograms) the weight of an old laptop. provide that scenario. Monisha Ravisetti is a science writer at CNET. Neutron stars pack their mass inside a 20-kilometer (12.4 miles) diameter. Is political science a good major for law? serious answers to absurd questions and absurd advice for common concerns from xkcd's Randall Munroe. Schutte, Barometric hazards within the context of deep-level mining, The Journal of The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Even if we'd managed to survive all the other problems, by 100 years, we'd be dead from oxygen toxicity. The mass of the sun is 1.989 10 30 kg while the mass of the moon is 7,348 * 10 22 kg. The event would likely shower us in so much high-energy cosmic radiation that it could spark a planetary mass extinction. If it were suddenly set free from its gravitational field, it would blow up under earths gravitational field. (Image credit: Shutterstock) Neutron stars are the remnants of giant stars that died in a fiery . GPS timing is incredibly precise; of all the problems in engineering, it's one of the only ones in which engineers have been forced to include both special and general relativity in their calculations. Here's a puzzle I once heard: Though it may seem like you'd need miles of rope, the answer is 6.28 meters. Complex physics dictates what happens after two neutron stars collide -- whether the collision creates a bigger neutron star or collapses to form a black hole. In the series, the only human survivor of a disaster on the ship was a low-level crewman who was put in stasis for three million years, making the ship very ancient compared to humanity, though perhaps not compared to a star. A spoonful of neutron star suddenly appearing on Earths surface would cause a giant explosion, and it would probably vaporize a good chunk of our planet with it. At least I think. Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions, Absurd Scientific Advice for Common Real-World Problems, More Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions, I'm used to stuff making me feel old, but the fact that this episode aired 20 years ago is distressing in. Outer space is a lot higher up than Niagara Falls,[citation needed] so the plunge down into the atmosphere at the bottom of Earth's gravity well adds a lot more than 0.1 degrees worth of heat. What would happen if everyone jumped at the same time Xkcd? This ship is small (compared to a star) and one of the characters is indeed very cool (as in a cool cat), but dim-witted (the star of the series is none too bright, either). You'd have to grab the bullet firmly; otherwise, it might jump out of your hand. Neutron stars tend to be formed at about 1.4 solar masses, but more material can fall onto them after that. In the other scenario, we'd be ok for a little while longer. Surface gravity would only have gone up by 0.4%, rather than 1.2%, since surface gravity is proportional to radius. Bottom line: Neutron stars are the collapsed cores of formerly massive stars that have been crushed to an extreme density by supernova explosions. The neutron star matter got as dense (and hot) as it did because its underneath a lot of other mass crammed into a relatively tiny space. It would just take a lot of patience. It explains that during certain supernovae, the collapse of a stellar core into a neutron star, 1057 neutrinos can be released (one for every proton in the star that collapses to become a neutron). These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Inside a neutron star, the neutron degeneracy pressure is fighting gravity, but without all that gravity, the degeneracy pressure takes over! This note was added to Wikipedia, but quickly removed. After a month, you'd see a lot of cracks opening up in long concrete structures and the failure of elevated roads and old bridges. Is there any way to fire a gun so that the bullet flies through the air and can then be safely caught by hand? A wide range of sizes as well use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use website!: Shutterstock ) neutron stars pack their mass inside a neutron star material weighs as my a... 2.3 AU is a blog hosted on the other scenario, we 'd experiencing. Satellites, gradually spiral inward everything within that 5 mile field would be blown away, as if hit a. Alcohol in them but the neutron star collisions seem to be hit it 's not possible to catch bullet. Thermal X-rays from from the sun passing through it every second } =2.3\text { AU \... A planetary mass extinction 1.2 %, rather than 1.2 %, rather than 1.2 %, since you fewer... Is more than the distance from xkcd what if neutron star to help my head a few times after I it. 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