stability of herbivore species richnessB. A) +/+ A) fungi residing in plant roots, such as endomycorrhizae Individual, population, community, ecosystem, biosphere, The word ecology is derived from the Greek oikos, which meansA. geographic rangeA. 21) If two species are close competitors, and one species is experimentally removed from the community, the remaining species would be expected to _____. If you walk out onto the rocks at low tide, you'll see a colorful variety of crusty, slimy, and squishy-looking organisms. moose would be more strongly affected by this gradientC. d) the acorn barnacle population increases in size, c) the community becomes dominated by mussels, Which of the following is NOT an essential characteristic of a keystone species And yet this predictably precarious margin of damp rocks and turbulent surf is the only place on Earth that many organisms call home. radiationD. the intertidacl rocks are also known as the foreshore and seashore. 5 degree S and 23.5 degree N of the equator, depending on the seasonD. Which of these species is the most competitively dominant? tropical climates where neutral soils form under broad-leaved treesA. herbivoryC. III) determining the kinds of interactions that occur among organisms of different species true, According to the competitive exclusion principle, two species cannot continue to occupy the sameA. As the ants march along the forest floor hunting insects and small vertebrates, birds follow and pick off any insects or small vertebrates that fly or jump out of the way of the ants. Our planet is an ocean planet: Earth Is Blue. The publication is a compilation of the lectures that were presented by the faculty under three major thematic areas namely the Resource and Technology perspective, the Human dimension and the ICT perspective. I onlyB. Important steps towards improving the state of the Baltic Sea include achieving nutrient reduction targets and ending pollution, engaging in cross-sectorial approaches, and adapting environmental management to consider climate change. If you need essay writing assistance or homework solutions, log in or sign up for a free account and ask our writers any homework question. What dramatically changes when Starfish are removed from the simulated system? climateB. 39) Why do moderate levels of disturbance result in an increase in community diversity? d) one species would outcompete the other, but which does so will be determined at random. sample size that is large enough to accurately reflect the varianceB. pampasC. live in social groups, Populations with high abundance tend to have a __ range.A. He d return to finish the game after being carted off, and he played the following week against the Eagles, but he eventually needed January knee surgery. b/w the equator and the Tropic of CapricornC. Which of the following is an example of potential rather than kinetic energy? number of conditions, both biotic and abioticD. The upper regions around the high-tide mark are exposed to air during most of the time. The algy competing with muscles okay for competing for 2 things; okay, they compete for spice and also they compete for so neutrons. d) it is not possible. I & II onlyE. The same two bat species in the previous question live on an island that is forested on one side and shrubby on the other. Algae, Barnacles, and Whelk 4. Which of the following predictions is least likely to occur, according to the diagram:a) spider B goes extinctb) spider C population decreasesc) beetle population increasesd) diagram indicates that all of the above are equally likely, According to both diagrams, the extinction of which one of the spider species would likely have a much bigger impact on community structure than the extinction of any one of the others:a) spider Ab) spider Bc) spider Cd) it is not possible, Which is the correct hierarchy of ecological systems, starting at the most general?A. environmental habitatB. Lowest trophic level, a diagram that illustrates which species are superior competitors within a community, a species that has an unusually large effect on its ecosystem, Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks Not that researchers have ignored it altogether. dispersedC. Load wallet with any amount instantly using PayPal or credit cards (view my balance). 40) In a particular case of secondary succession, three species of wild grass all invaded a field. Spray Zone pop. Load wallet with any amount instantly using PayPal or credit cards (. How might this scale of variation affect two herbivores-aphids (very small insects) and moose (large mammals)?A. I, II & IIID. ragwortD. a. algae and starfish b. whelk and starfish c. mussels, whelk, and chiton d. algae and barnacles Question Answered step-by-step 2. These areas are over the water and then, when during high tides, these digate, so they get under water. 16, #1 January 10, 2019 SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS THEY MAKE THE LOOP POSSIBLE Continued on Page 8 Continued on Page 6 By Terry Sullivan, The Road to Resilience Now that the government has shut down (and I'm not going to go into the stupid reason for that), the federal money January 10, 2019 SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS THEY MAKE THE LOOP POSSIBLE Both M and NE. they increase the sedimentation of coral reefsC. A) A b) shrubs a daily cycle of photosynthesis, An organisms ability to maintain constant constant internal conditions in the face of a varying external environment is calledA. coral reefsD. "One could argue that if you don't have a lot of raw ability, it's doubly important to be focused, hardworking and able to bounce back from setbacks.". II) Gleason A) frequent massive disturbance tropical rainforestD. c) goose neck barnacle In addition, some organisms, called foundation species, exert influence on a community not through their trophic. root pressureB. decreased time that stomata are openD. B) The random distribution of one competing species will have a positive impact on the population growth of the other competing species. high quality source; low quality sink, In what way is the geometric growth model different from the exponential growth model?A. chloroplastsC. CD. Intertidal zones frequently show vertical zonation of species based on their . D) nauplii (a species of zooplankton), 31) Which of the following would be most significant in understanding the structure of an ecological community? Shore rocks- and this is mainly where we have 2 groups of organisms. is the ability of a single genotype to produce multiple phenotypes, This figure shows the tail shape developed by three tadpole genotypes (M, N, and O) when raised in an environment with predators and an environment without predators. D) fewer agents of disease. The organisms in this region are subject to severe stresses related to respiration, desiccation, temperature changes and feeding. is the ability single genotype to produce multiple phenotypesD. Which of these species is the most competitively dominant? a coral reef fishb. Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks? benthicE. There are similar numbers of moths and beetles on the island, but no other bats. few; consistentlyC. ponds and lakesC. Why Study Environmental Science? grasslandD. d) one species will outcompete the others, but which species does so will be determined by random chance. B. An example of a naturally-occurring geoform component found in Oregon's rocky shores would be a tidepool. Plant growth is best supported by addition for fertilizer and lightD. B) There are fewer parasites to negatively affect the health of tropical communities. mangrove swampsD. In the 1950s, Joseph Connell conducted a classic set of removal experiments to test for competitive interactions between two species of barnacle, Chthamalus stellatus and . develop trichomes and produce more glucosinolateII. organic matter from the vegetation on top of the soilB. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. 26) Which one of the following is a type of species interaction with impacts that depend on prey density and effectiveness of defenses to determine the short-term impact on the prey population? large geographic, What is the relationship b/w population density and adult body size?A. Seattle, Washington(WA), 98106. manipulation using natural conditionsD. These two species are found growing in the rocky intertidal zone off the coast of Scotland. noneD. III onlyD. B) keystone species intertidal zonesC. D) No specific conclusions can be drawn from this figure. You gather up all the purple and take them to the zoo. a coral reef fishb. epiphyticC. D) Species diversity should be highest on larger islands away from mainland. A) 25W, 25X, 25Y, 25Z the use of cytokininD. of mice that has consumed most of the food in its habitatII. a. algae, mussels, and whelk b. algae and mussels c. whelk and chiton d. starfish only, Your email address will not be published. hawkweed, Based on the data that follow, which of the following statements is FALSE?Seagrass Habitat: green turtle (3,000); dugong (2,990)African Plains: wildebeest (1,000); zebra (200); hartebeest (250); rhino (18); gazelle (2,000)Australian Grassland: red kangaroo (1,000); wallaby (20); walleroo (2); wombat (2); gray kangaroo (6)A. the seagrass habitat has the lowest species richnessB. a lethal disease that is more easily transmitted when animals are found in high abundance than in low abundanceA. So the answer will be here Algae and mussels. c) the new species will outcompete the other two because it has a broader food niche and can take advantage of resources that the other two cannot Two species of bats colonize an island at the same time. C) Two species with the same fundamental niche will exclude other competing species. D) cattle egrets eating insects stirred up by grazing bison. a) competition between purple and orange cannot be responsible for where you found them on the island frequent fires, Which of the following is another name for boreal forest?A. 12.5D. very abundantD. I & II onlyE. This means that there are also spaces that are exposed to the air at low tide. behavior, physiology, morphology, Plants develop trichomes and produce glucosinolates as adaptive phenotypic plasticity toA. Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks? Which of the below choices will most likely happen over time to the two bat species on the island? D. The two species will coexist by occupying different realized niches. Spend your wallet balance to purchase and view any textbook solution at $5 per answer. 7) While traveling in Texas, you stumble across a snake with red, yellow, and black bands. BC. a. Algae and Starfish. negative if many invasive species are presentC. 'sodium carbonate' in a sentence. Q5.1. There are similar numbers of moths and beetles on the island, but no other bats. 13) What interactions exist between a lion pride and a hyena pack? Vol. C) Community 1 and community 3 have the highest species diversity. concept of independenceD. siltD. is based on two trophic levelsB. tropical rainforestC. grapesB. 10.0C. allows them to conserve energy, Experimental studies found that increased CO2 caused some types of plants to increase their overall growth rates. The realized niches observed in nature are often smaller than the fundamental niches of the organisms being observed: The competitive exclusion principle only applies when the niches of competing species have a high degree of overlap: Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks. B) only II Get 5 free video unlocks on our app with code GOMOBILE, Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks? Which of the following is true: the species that compete in this space is often spotted on the surface , need direct sunlgiht, and has to constantly interract with several abiotic factors, like algae and mussels do. D) They are essentially the same thing. are invasive predator species that eat native herbivoresC. C) Tropical communities are low in altitude, whereas temperate and polar communities are high in altitude. taigaD. a) fewer cheetas E) Mutualistic relationships allow organisms to synthesize and use energy more efficiently. C) A disturbance regime is a more specific type of disturbance. the Tropic of Cancer, Rain shadows occurA. It also reveals species interactions and community structure. The illustration below is a food web diagram for a subset of the ecological community surrounding Arctic sea ice. about evenly distributedA. tadpolesC. C) Both species compete equally. A. Which of these species is the most competitively dominant?1)Black Pine2)Goose-neck Barnacle3)Nori Seaweed4)Acorn BarnacleQ4. sandy loamE. I onlyB. D) Elephants are the biggest herbivore in this community. localized speciesB. 0.10B. D) become the target of specialized parasites aphids would be more strongly affected by this gradient, Which lists the correct order from events that affect the smallest spatial scale to events that affect the largest spatial scale?A. temperate rainforest, What was the main factor that led to declines in collared lizard populations in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri?A. ecological nicheC. Oecologia (2007) 150:557-568 DOI 10.1007/s00442-006-0548-3 POPULATION ECOLOGY Population dynamics of thrips prey and their mite predators in a refuge Sara Magalhes Paul C. J. van Rijn Marta Montserrat Angelo Pallini Maurice W. Sabelis Received: 18 April 2006 / Accepted: 9 August 2006 / Published online: 9 September 2006 Springer-Verlag 2006 Abstract Prey refuges are expected to . C) niche differentiation The design of anthropogenic marine structures can have unintended consequences for ecological communities. D) niche realization. rangeB. Because they are attached to the rock, they are ideal animals for experimental manipulation in the field. D) D forming the basis of an abundant food supply, space is usually the most limiting resource in rocky intertidal communities (Ricketts and Calvin 1968). loamB. Which of these species is the least competitively dominant? do not interact with each otherA. The grasslands contain scattered woody plants, but they are kept in check by the uprooting activities of the elephants. climateC. homeostasisE. radiationD. removing competitive dominants, The presence of fish has a positive effect on shoreline flowering plants. 1. species diversityD. morphology, behavior, physiologyE. Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks? aphids would be more strongly affected by this gradientB. Graph A straight line, Which is likely to follow an exponential increase in population size?I. individual, population, community, ecosystem, biosphereE. the species in a community that has the greatest influence on the rest of that communityD. needle-leaved forestsD. increased cooling of the blood for the brainB. b) the fundamental niches of orang does not include ground habitat 53) Which island would likely exhibit the most impoverished species diversity? increased precipitationA. If this third species is biologically similar to the first two, but also eats insects, which of the following will most likely happen:a) all three will coexist because the new speciess niche is different from the twob) the two original species will outcompete the new one because they were present in the habitat firstc) the new species will outcompete the other two because it has a broader food niche and can take advantage of resources that the other two cannotd) one species will outcompete the others, but which species does so will be determined by random chance. d) one species will persist, but we cannot predict which one, the others will go extinct because of competition. bottom-up effectsB. 4) Starfish only. open oceanE. Name the major nerves that serve the following body areas? They therefore, have to compete for space, light and food. podsolizationB. laterization, Which of the following changes will increase climate warming?A. the seasonal overturn of water stratificationC. Just 2.7 vertical meters! realized nicheC. How would you know if two chromosomes were homologous. In an experiment, researchers followed study plots with ants removed from the system and compared them to a control plot. an earlier planting dateC. abundantB. In one region, two kangaroo rat species eat only seeds and are biologically extremely similar. limited by both density-dependent and density-independent factorsD. Algae, Mussels, and Whelk Algae and Mussels Whelk and Chiton Starfish only, Which consumers live in the open ocean? d) The bat species will not overlap in their distribution on the island because competition will have resulted in random extinction on each side of the island. top-down effects, What organisms in the figure appear NOT to be indirectly affected by insecticide?A. I) determining how many species are present overall any insectivorous plant in a communityC. Your email address will not be published. Which of the decrease in the size of the rootsC. I & II onlyE. b) starfish D) Community 4 rain forestsB. C) the island is large and remote Which species eats Acorn Barnacles? They also compete for available food sources, such as plankton, which can be scarce at times. Q1. The only difference between the bat species is foraging ability; one is more efficient at catching beetles, and the other is more efficient at catching moths. refers to an environment that variesB. Which of the following compete for space on intertidal - YouTube The following tutorial falls under the subject category of General Biology. neriticA. 14) What interactions exist between a tick on a dog and the dog? geographic nicheD. small fundamentalC. Plants are competed more successfully for fertilizer shaded out other plantsC. C) +/- E) intensive disturbance by humans. E) a prey species adapts and is able to coexist with its predators, 18) The competitive exclusion principle states that _____. II & III only, Which form of population growth results in an S-shaped curve?A. 20) In the figure above, which species is the stronger competitor? Sign in or register for free to get a unique wallet ID. 14. nekton include all animals that live at or in the ocean bottom o move independently of ocean currents live both on land and in the water drift with ocean currents, What is 18,000 expressed in scientific notation? temperate grasslandsC. desertA. tropical seasonal forestC. Calculate the pH of a solution of 0.157 M pyridine.? c) on the ground, purple woozles are probably better competitors than the orange. E) E, 55) Based on the intermediate disturbance hypothesis, a community's species diversity is increased by _____. a) all four species will coexist because they will divide up the prey BC. conductionD. Recall that some species in the intertidal zone are mobile, while others are sessile (stationary), and this affects how individuals compete with each other. D) Tropical communities are generally older than temperate and polar communities. coral reefsB. E) prey only on the least abundant species in the community, 37) What is the main advantage of controlled burnings of forested areas? acidic soilsC. d) more elephants, If you removed all the Cheetas from a large area of savanna, which of the following changes is most likely, according to the diagrams: E) Initially the number of species in each pond will be greater than the number normally found in similar environments. Spend your wallet balance to purchase and view any textbook solution at $5 per answer. thylakoidsB. Population density metabolismC. foragingB. C) two species with different niches will not compete for the same resources Both enhance the likelihood of success, but the brightest among us are no more likely than the dimmest to be gritty. thunderstorms, hurricanes, monsoons, Phenotypic plasticityA. boreal forest, Which of the following helps prevent tree growth in tallgrass prairies?A. a) all three will coexist because the new speciess niche is different from the two If we set up many identical sterilized ponds in the same area and allowed them to be colonized, what should we predict if we wished to test Gleason's hypothesis? A. sponges, sea stars, and sea anemones B. swordfish, dolphins, and sharks C. giant tube worms, Which of the following sea creatures might be described as a pelagic animal of the aphotic zone?a. D) It is not possible to tell from this figure. c) both species would share both habitats because their niches would be different and competition would be eliminated pop. adult dragonfly > plantsC. neither would be affected by this gradientD. littoralB. The study of environmental science includes circumstances, objects, or conditions by which an . protect against herbivores, Consider the figure, which shows how Virginia pepperweed responds to herbivores. DA. E) More competitive dominant species have evolved in temperate and polar communities. thunderstorms, hurricanes, monsoonsC. B) +/o they transfer sediment from terrestrial to aquatic biomesB. The followin. 33) Elephants are not the most dominant species in African grasslands, yet they influence community structure. A third species of kangaroo rat is introduced into the habitats of the two species from Question 5. a. The bats can survive in either habitat. precipitation decreasesC. evaporationC. B) Community 2 A) Algae and Starfish B . descends and warms, creating an arid beltC. III onlyD. wheatC. C) Elephants prevent drought in African grasslands. on the downwind side of mountainsB. 29) Looking at the results in the figure above, which hypothesis (by Clements or Gleason) is supported by the data? Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks? 54) Which island would likely have the lowest extinction rate? This upper region is called the supratidal or splash zone. the species in a community that has the least influence on the rest of that communityC. predationB. The following compete for space on intertidal rocks: algae and mussels In the spring competition for space on intertidal rocks, algae and mussels are of the most persistent competitors, spawning early and often.. a) acorn barnacle What aspect of phenotypic plasticity contributed to the increase in growth rate?A. II & III only, A unique feature of CAM photosynthesis (crassulacean acid metabolism) isA. c) all four species will coexist because they will all occupy smaller realized niches B) Community 2 loss of energy due to respirationC. Graph C curved line up, Which plot is consistent with a geometric growth model in which delta = 1 or r=0? decreases as populations become largerD. b) spider B E) C P , 35) Keystone predators can maintain species diversity in a community if they _____. increased forest fires killed collared lizards and their preferred insect prey speciesB. Then, respond to the question that follow. open ocean, Lakes are generally divided into zones, each of which has unique physical and biological attributes. b) coral weed ecosystem, biosphere, community, population, individualB. Addition of fertilizer reduces plants ability to use light efficiently for photosynthesisB. cold climates where neutral soils form under broad-leaved treesC. Q5.1. Arrange the following events in space exploration in chronological order; All of the following are characteristics of igneous rocks except; Define the following terms: - space - depth - mass; All of the following are characteristics of metamorphic rocks except; All of the . You somehow remember that this could be a poisonous coral snake or a harmless milk snake, but you forget how to differentiate them because they both have similar colors and banding patterns. If, over evolutionary time, on of the two Kangaroo rat species from #5 were to evolve a change in food habits such that it eats only insects, which of the following would most likely happen:a) it would out compete the other speciesb) the other species would outcompete itc) both species would share both habitats because their niches would be different and competition would be eliminatedd) one species would outcompete the other, but which does so will be determined at random. 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