Swapping firewood for an oil change is a bartering situation but not reciprocity because neither party is agreeing to future purchases. Answer: d D. A salesperson's statements of puffery should be taken at face value and considered factual. D. whistle-blowing. A. The customers are divided into two categories: those who have a sales region code of 10 or above in one category and those with a code less than 10 in another must have bought goods worth $500 or more in the previous month. A. OA Part 2 is the coding challenge, which is pretty regular and has a limited scale of questions as any other coding interviews. Sales drives in big organizations, many a times, fall flat on the face. Explanation: An increase in the number of sales territories usually necessitates splitting a single territory, which takes customers away from a salesperson. C. changes based on the situation. A sales executive makes decisions based upon what her boss says is right; this person is at the principled level of moral development. ASSERTIVENESS-> SENSSAEVISTRE : MULTINATIONAL -> ? Sharon will be upset because she is losing commissions for a large account. Try looking at odds and evens separately. To continue meeting their high standard, Emma's support team needed a better way to find, access, and . Live support is available from 08:00 to 18:00 GMT-6, Monday-Friday!Kindly have your order number or email address handy for a us to quickly check your order, and we'll take care of the rest. Emma Support is Awesome! Can you explain the Emma Mattress 10-year warranty? A. receivership.. Which of the following is the underlying focus of the Golden Rule? D. consensual reporting. Explanation: The vast majority of people in our society are at the preconventional or conventional level. Would you be able to tell how many balls are on the table knowing that if 7 balls got taken there will be no less than 23 balls left, and if 6 balls got added there will be no more than 20 balls on the table. The case should be referred to Managing Director. Although several federal laws influence record keeping, they are primarily directed at private employers. We'd love to hear from you. must not have availed bulk discount before, must have been provided a special discount of 5% or less than that in the previous dealings. A cooling-off law: Find the right form for you and fill it out: THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA REVISED UNIFORM CIVIL LAW NOTARY - AN OFFICE WHOSE TIME No results. According to the text, why do most employees in organizations succumb to questionable ethical standards or only follow formal policies? Explanation: Because ethical standards are not classified, disagreements and dilemmas about proper behavior often occur. Explanation: Personality, religious background, family upbringing, personal experiences, and the situation faced are examples of factors shaping our core belief system. What is the right thing to do? Explanation: When a customer relies on a salesperson's statements, purchases the product or service, and then finds that it fails to perform as promised, the supplier can be sued for misrepresentation. C. misrepresentation. Glenda is meeting with an Office Pro store manager. Did not go to MBA. E. covers some door-to-door transactions. A. nondiscriminatory. Each division produces 2 products, no 2 divisions produces the same product. E. defines fundamental values. Many religions follow the Golden Rule in one form or another. Through hard work she has greatly increased her company's business in the region. (did not catch the statements), 2. if Alan produces mixer and heater, what does Betty produce. You can wash the Plush Emma UltraDry Pillowtop Cover of your mattress. 1. D. Privacy is only an employee right with private firms not public entities. Paula is functioning at what level of moral development? B. door-to-door salespersons who are not residents of the city in which they do business must purchase sales licenses. B. current situations. must not have availed bulk discount before There are four coordinators named Lily, Cathy,Mary and Nina. Courtney Lee works for a travel agency. Result: EIKC, +1 +2 +3 +4. C. ethical dilemma. A. be accurate when describing her product's capabilities. Then made an about-turn and walked 30 meters. 24. D. Benefits flexibility. A ? D. credo-based. E. Loyalty programs. A high degree of brand recognition will help a company win a higher share of the market. B. poor organizational citizenship. A. customer discrimination. E. preconventional. A. large corporations. Explanation: Integrity means to be stand by a strict moral and ethical code of conduct at all times. D. Sharon will lose the commission for the key account. An ethical manager would most likely offer support to the salesperson and require the salesperson to seek substance abuse treatment. The following are the details of the procedure of deciding delivery charges for goods bought from ABC company. Cooperative acceptance means that employees cannot be discriminated against in employment practices and they have the right to be free of sexual and racial harassment. C. avoid making exaggerated claims about product safety. Hold salespeople legally responsible for damaged products. E. integrity. C. Ethics related to employees and community are often more difficult to understand when doing business in another country. The number sold this year is 3 times of that of last year. C. all persons selling directly to consumers must pay a bond. Go to the editor Sample table: Salesman Sample table: Orders Click me to see the solution 2. A coffee vending machine is situated at one of the corners and a restroom at another corner of the meeting hall. A(n) _____ code of ethics generally outlines the procedures to be used in specific ethical situations. _____Is Dad cooking dinner tonight or ordering pizza? 164. 0. D. The difference between a business gift and a bribe is quite clear. A. B. B. a tie-in sale. A round table sits 8 people A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H. F is two seats to the right of C. A and E sit by the sides of G. B and H are right facing each other. Explanation: Although several federal laws influence record keeping, they are primarily directed at public employers. Our Customer Service team will be glad to assist you via chat, phone or email. E. Ethical dilemmas are rare when the available choices all have unethical elements. A customer is as gullible as a child and hence may ask many questions. D. Employee rights. Right after purchasing your Emma product, please wait for a confirmation email indicating your product tracking number and instructions on how to track your order. A salesperson has been given the intellectual property of a competitor. E. Utilizing effective recruitment and selection practices. B. allows some customers to receive price reductions while others do not. : Result: 90, pre * 3, 1, 5, 7, ? JLP LNT TVZ DFJ: Result: LNT, other are +2 +4. C. conventional. Neither he nor any of his relatives works as a distributor or a dealer for any oil company. B. current situations. C. Most people are in the preconventional and conventional levels of moral development. 121. 1. 139. Linda Moore is a commission salesperson whose territory for the last nine years has been the entire state of Virginia. Is the 365-Night trial applicable for all products? 25 > Age > 20, 4. A. misuse of relationship marketing. Employee rights. 115. A person who engages in whistle-blowing is called an ethics ombudsperson. This is an example of bribing. 3. if1 is not met then report to director. Which conditions tell which day Jack bought the car on. Explanation: At the conventional level, a person conforms to expectations and laws. A. being honest with customers. This button displays the currently selected search type. 3. A. reciprocity. 130. Morals refer to a person's adherence to right or wrong behavior and thinking. If northwest becomes east, northeast becomes south, and so on, what does southeast become? Reciprocity is considered illegal if it hurts competition. SELECT c.id, c.name, count (*) AS total_orders, sum (o.value) AS total_value FROM Customers AS c LEFT JOIN Orders AS o ON c.id = o.customer GROUP BY c.id. This statement by a home appliance salesperson is legally actionable. This fixed point of reference would guide Rob to make the most ethical decision. : Result: 82, +14 +16 +18. The salesperson who just made this statement to a co-worker is apparently working at the _____ level of moral development. You can see the breakdown for trials and warranties below. 13. B. principled. Result: VELETNOISI, reverse first half and second half. 109. A. C. Mature. do you think the Klan was not 4. 145. D. policy-based moral development. A - B denotes A plus B. Just simply get in contact with us via our chat support, phone or email and we will refund and collect it at no cost to you.Live support is also available from 08:00 to 18:00 GMT-6, Monday-Friday! Emma has some great ideas that are easily accessible, they also make it very easy to create different audience segments. C. Golden Rule. 77. Alexander is an IT engineer with 65% marks in his bachelors degree and 88% marks in 12th grade. After Suzanne refused to submit to Phil's advances, he threatened to fire her. 146. Our live chat feature is available from 08:00 to 18:00 GMT-6, Monday-Friday! E. Every employee of a U.S. company is subject to U.S. law regardless of the country in which business is conducted. True. D. policy-based moral development. 1. one product and multiple market segments. A tie-in sale occurs when a buyer is required to buy unwanted products in order to purchase another product. The majority of sales personnel operate at the _____ level of moral development. B. managers. 113. Available from 08:00 to 18:00 GMT-6, Monday-Friday. D. code of ethics. 11. Our Customer Service team will be glad to assist you via chat, phone or email. 106. I received a wrong product, how can I get the right one? C. discretionary. D. exclusive dealing. E. minimizing union control. 3. segments of one, or mass customization. It is known that one of the levels has 21 people in it and the second floor has 2 people more than the first floor. E. trust. What motivates the salesperson? C. When a salesperson makes claims of a "factual nature" regarding a service's inherent capabilities, the law does not treat these comments as statements of fact and warranties. GPA 4.0. D. discretionary. 127. It uses foams certified by CertiPUR-US, which are tested to ensure a low level of VOC emissions that could affect indoor air quality. At the moment, our products are only available online at www.emma-sleep.com However, we do offer a generous 365 nights risk-free trial period so you can try out the mattress from the comfort of your home, and if you feel that Emma isn't a perfect match for you, simply reach out to us, and we'll process your return - and give you a full refund. C. attracting good employees. C. What am I legally required to do? Which of the following questions would most likely be asked by a person at the principled level of moral development? A person at the preconventional level of moral development follows rules to receive rewards or avoid punishment. C. a tie-in sale.. D. Cooperative acceptance. A(n) _____ would tell Quinton that he should return unauthorized competitive information to its owner without examining it, even though the information would more than likely result in a large commission for Quinton. This is a classic example of: D. Ethics related to employees and communities are never difficult to understand when doing business in another country. This reporting process is called: 7. B. His GPA undergraduate is A-. Result: MPNO, 4(like 1234) in a group and reorder to 1423. B. discretionary responsibility. 36. Her date of birth is 15.03.1985. she does not have dealership of any oil company nor does she has any close relative as a dealer or a distributor. E. fact-finding. C. is also called a whistle-blower. E. Protect consumers from high-pressure, unethical sales tactics. If its been decided to send M2, M3 and W2 on this trip, who else you may send with them? Explanation: It's generally easy for customers to recover damages on the grounds of misrepresentation and breach of warranty. E. Governing norms. B. An ethical dilemma arises in a situation when each alternative choice or behavior has some undesirable elements due to potentially negative ethical or personal consequences. When salespeople loosely describe their product or service in glowing terms, those statements can be relied upon by the potential buyer. (multiple choices) - choose D and G. - A and B is not adjacent. She is guided by internal morals and values. 64 - 46 = 18, 100. 166. E. Preconventional. B. What condition can I return the mattress in? A salesperson can minimize exposure to costly misrepresentation and breach of warranty lawsuits if he/she: By using this site you agree to our use of cookies as described in our, &HUWLILFDWHRI7UDLQLQJ86 'HSDUWPHQWRI/PERU :DDWG+RTU 'LYLVLRQ$FFRUGLQJWRWKH3DSHUZRUN5HGXFWLRQ$FWRIQRSHUVRQVDUHUHTXLUHGWRUHVSRQGWRWKLVFROOHFWLRQ XQOHVVLWGLVSODVDFXUUHQWOYDOLG20%FRQWUROQXPEHU20%&RQWURO1XPEHU, ACCORD CREMATION AND BURIAL SERVICES CREMATION AND DISPOSITION AUTHORI, THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA REVISED UNIFORM PARTNERSHIP ACT, CIVIL LAW NOTARY - AN OFFICE WHOSE TIME HAS COME IN THE U, Power of attorney - Big Fish Payroll Services, Upload Initials Event Facility Rental Agreement, Upload Initials Roommate Rental Agreement, Upload Initials Standard Lease Rental Agreement, Upload Initials Boat Slip Lease Agreement, emma is a customer whose sales region code is 08, emma is a customer whose sales region code is 08 she has been regularly ordering goods from abc company for more than four years she has also purchased goods worth 150 in the previous mont, emma is a customer whose sales region code is 08 she has been regularly, priya is a customer whose sales region code is 08, priya is a customer whose sales region code is 8, priya is a customer whose sales region code, priya is a customer whose sales region code is 8 she has been regularly ordering goods, priya is a customer whose sales region code is 8 she has been regularly ordering goods from abc, priya is a customer whose sales region code is 14, priya is a customer whose sales region code is 8 she has been. A building supply salesperson who sells vacation real estate on company time. Explanation: Ethical behavior means treating others fairly. Result: J2L, the first character increase by 3(+3), the middle number drops 5, the last letter = first letter + middle number, G + 3 = J, 7 - 5 = 2, last = J + 2 = L. COMPUTER:GKQLYPIN -> SENATE:? A17R:D12P -> G7N:? Yes, you definitely can! Explanation: Respect for the dignity of the individual is at the heart of the universal moral code referred to as "the Golden Rule" by most people of the world. Get the letter <-> number table ready. B. It even works with adjustable bed frames! Each has incremental difference 5, 6, 7 ), 31 (difference from previous number 4, 6, 8, 10, ), 41 (difference from previous number 6, 8, 10, 12, ), 650 (differences are 64 * 1, 64 * 2, 64 * 3, 64 * 4, ), 4 (odd indexed number has a difference of -2), 83 (13 + 3 = 16, 29 + 1 = 30, 43 + 3 = 46, 61 + 1 = 62, 79 + 3 = 82; 13, 29, 43, 61, 79 are primes. Result: LKN, every character + 3, 46:64 -> 82:? Barna Research is conducting an ongoing study of sources influencing Americans' ethical and moral decision-making processes. Explanation: A fixed point of reference refers to something that provides the correct action to take in any situation and never gets tailored to fit an occasion. Live support is available from 08:00 to 18:00 GMT-6, Monday-Friday! Explanation: Requiring a customer to buy one product when buying another product is known as a tie-in sale and is prohibited under the Clayton Act. C. government employers. A # B denotes A times B. A/B denotes A greater than or equal to B. Friends and family are never the cause of an ethical dilemma. E. publicly-traded companies. E. Eliminating cooperative acceptance These statutes and others were necessary because some salespeople used unethical practices in sales transactions. E. supports the strategy of downsizing. B. principled. 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