The following list of over 1380 organizations includes all landsmanshaftn listed in A Guide to YIVO's Landsmanshaftn Archive by Rosaline Schwartz and Susan Milamed, YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, New York, 1986, and Guide to the YIVO Archives, compiled and edited by Fruma Mohrer and Marek Web, YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, 1998. The third chapter, a detailed study of Kaczerginski's Lider fun di getos un lagern, . Verein, First Lanowitzer Woliner Young Men's Benevolent Association, First Lesznower Sick and Benevolent Society Sons of Jacob Solomon. Landsmanshaftn Mutual Aid Societies Description Golden Book of the Independent Zetler Young Men's Benevolent Association commemorating members who have died. Each series consisted of general correspondence files and correspondence with landsmanshaftn the latter filed under the name of the locality to which it pertained. Verein, Independent Rabbi Mayer Przemyslaner Society, Independent Radiviler Voliner Beneficial Association (Philadelphia), Independent Rohatyner Young Men's Benevolent Association, Independent Rovner Beneficial Association Philadelphia, Independent Skierniewicer Benevolent Association. Verein, Congregation Sons of Abraham Anshei Brooklyn, Congregation Sons of Jacob Ticktiner Young Men, Congregation Taharas Hakoidesh Aid Society, Congregation Tiferes Beth Jacob - Ezras Israel Anshei Bronx, Congregation Tifereth Achim Anshe Dinaburg, Congregation Tifereth Joseph Anshei Przemysl, Constantiner Preiaslover Lodge 245 I.O.B.S; also Constantiner Priaslover Benevolent Association, Council of Fraternal and Benevolent Organizations for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies, Crown of Israel Anshei Wiznitz (Atereth Israel Anshe Wiznitz). Congregation Taharas Hakoidesh Aid Society, Inc. Congregation Tiferes Beth Jacob - Ezras Israel Anshei Bronx, Congregation Tifereth Achim Anshe Dinaburg, Congregation Tifereth Joseph Anshei Przemysl, Constantiner Preiaslover Lodge 245 I.O.B.S; also Constantiner Priaslover Benevolent Association. Verein, Erste Zabner Congregation Bnei Sholom David, Erste Zabner Ladies Auxiliary; and Chevra Bnai Jacob Yitzchak Anshei Zabne, Erste Zaloshiner Chevra Anshei Bnei Achim, Erster Atiker Bessarabian Kranken Unt. Verein of New York, Zawiercer Progressive Benevolent Association, Zborower Young Men's Benevolent Association, Zerdover Educational Society Branch 301, Workmen's Circle. Stefanie Halpern (left), director of the YIVO archives, and novelist Max Gross discuss a thick file containing news clippings relating to the late Yiddish novelist Chaim Grade at YIVO's . Verein, Independent Korwer Progressive Young Men's Benevolent Association, Independent Meseritzer Young Men's Association, Independent Mogelnitzer Benevolent Society, Independent Nowe-Dworer Benevolent Association, Independent Otik Mohiliv Beneficial Association (Philadelphia), Independent Podolier Society of Brownsville, Independent Prushnitzer Sick and Benevolent Society; Ind. First Marmaros Young Men's Aid Society, Inc. First Nadworna Sick Benevolent Association, First Nickolayever Sick and Benevolent Association, First Nova Ushitzer Benevolent Association, First Ostropolier Progressive Aid Association (Philadelphia), First Ostrower Sick and Benevolent Society, First Ostrowzer Young Men's Benevolent Society, First Ottynier Young Men's Benevolent Association. 517 Independent Order of Brith Abraham, Erste Bershader Kranken Unt. First Ushitzer Podoler Benevolent Association, Inc. First Warkowicher Wolyner Benevolent Association, First Waroshilovker Benevolent Association, First Warshauer I.M. Much of this information has to do with monetary requests made to important and influential members and to the landsmanshaftn as a whole, both from the LD and from the communities themselves, donations made, activities of the landsmanshaftn, financial statements from the interest-free loan associations, information about the communities and about the landsmanshaftn, lists of members of several, This series contains information about the post-war activities of the Landsmanshaftn Department, which was reestablished in 1945, on behalf of the various communities in Eastern Europe. Log in first! Landsmanshaftn records at YIVO Institute for Jewish Research Use online list; collection is at the Center for Jewish History Street scene on East side, New York City. and objects tagged by organization name; Addendum folders numbered sequentially, Arrangement: The collection has been divided into two sub-groups: I) papers and records; II) objects. Organization: Boxes 1-19 arranged alpha. To request an appointment or for more information, contact:YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, Center for Jewish History, 15 West 16th Street, New York, NY 10011 email: Association, Borisower Progressive Society Branch 183, Workmen's Circle, Boro Friendship League (formerly King Saul Lodge), Borough Park Branch 315, Workmen's Circle, Brailover Progressive Beneficial Association of Philadelphia, Brainsker Young Men's Benevolent Association. Branch 494 Workmen's Circle, Rabbinical College "Knesseth Israel" of Slabodka-Kovno, Inc, Rabinovitch, Baruch Mordechai [Ostre-Volin, Ukraine], Rachover Yugent Branch 581, Workmen's Circle, Rachower Polish Jewish Federation; and United Rachover Relief, Radautz Roumanian Benevolent Society & Relief Committee; Raduwitzer Romanian Association, Radautz Roumanian Sick Benevolent Association, Radomysler Young Men's Benevolent Association No. . The Landsmanshaftn Department of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (LD) was originally organized as a department of the JDC, known as the Landsmanshaftn Bureau, in 1919 in New York. The majority of the collection is in English and Yiddish, although various official documents are in Polish, German, Russian, Spanish, French, and Arabic on the documents from various governmental and JDC offices around the world. The AJDC Archives gave the Records of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Landsmanshaftn Department to YIVO in June 1976. Brotherly Love Assoc. Congregation Agudath Achim Anshe Borisoff, Congregation Ahavath Achim Anshei Mohilev on Dnieper, Congregation Ahavath Zedek Anshei Timkowitz, Congregation Anshe Sfard (Queens) [Sighet, Congregation Anshe Shepetovka Volin (Boston), Congregation Anshei Smorgon Bnei Chaim Abraham, Congregation Anshei Stuchin & Grayewo/Chevra Anshei Stuchin & Anshei Grayewo, Congregation Anshei Zembrove; Zembrover Benevolent Association, Congregation Beth Aaron Beth Sholom (formerly First Austrian Hungarian Congregation Beth Sholom), Congregation Bethlehem Jehuda Bnai Rezitza, Congregation Bikur Cholim of East New York (Anshe Shepetovka), Congregation Bnei Rappaport Anshei Dombrowa, Congregation Chevra Molodetchno and Ladies Auxilliary, Congregation Leiser Gans Independent Przemysler, Congregation Machzikei Hadas Anshei Zloczow, Congregation Mishkan Israel Anshe Suwalker, Congregation Mogen David Anshei Choroszcz, Congregation Rodef Sholem Independent Podhajcer Kranken Unt. First Independent Securaner Relief Benevolent Association; First Ind. Verein, Independent Bukarester Sick Aid Association, Independent Burdujener Sick and Benevolent Society, Independent Chodorower Young Men's Benevolent Society, Independent Chotiner Bessarabia Benevolent Association, Independent Drobniner Benevolent Society of New York, Independent Drohobyczer Young Men's Benevolent Society, Independent Elizabethgrad Ladies Benevolent Association, Independent First Oddesser Society of Brownsville, Independent Frymcie Radymnoer Frauen Kranken Unt. Schklover Independent Benevolent Association, Inc. Schloime Family Society (desc. Society, Saxonian & Thueringian Sick Benevolent Association of Brooklyn, Inc; Sachsen und Thueringer Kranken Unt. The activity of landsmanshaftn, particularly that of the Vilna Refugee Committee, is represented through the materials contained in Series VII. 1; and United Radomysler Relief, Radomysler-Chernichover, Branch 543 Workmen's Circle, Radziviller-Woliner Benevolent Association, Rashkover Tiraspolier Association; Rashkover Tiraspolier Social Association, Rashkower Progressive Association (Philadelphia), Ray Heit Chapter of the Kittever Ladies Relief Auxiliary, Reading Bible of Rabbi Yankev Kopel of Tarnopol & Bilkamien, Reuben Guskin Babroisker Branch 206 Workmen's Circle. 15 ft. 36 5 inch boxes. Verein Young Folks League, Family Lodge No. The Landsmanshaftn files include information on all the activities of the Landsmanshaft including list of Officers, membership lists, meetings, records pertaining to . 402, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Lublin Landsmanshaft in Paris (50th Anniversary, 1929-1979), Lubliner Ehrlich Branch 392, Workmen's Circle and Ladies Club aka Lubliner Young Men's Branch 392, Lubliner Young Men's Branch 248, Workmen's Circle, Lubliner Young Men's, Branch 392, Workmen's Circle; Lubliner Ladies Club 392; Lubliner Ehrlich Branch 392. (Philadelphia), Zamoscher Yisker Book Committee (Argentina); Friends of Zamosch (Philadelphia), Zaromber Progressive Young Friends Benevolent Association, Zashkover Kranken Unt. Verein, Witebsker (Vitebsk) "Bund" Branch 224, Workmen's Circle, Wolkovisker Rayoner Branch 100, Workmen's Circle, Wolkovisker Young Men's Benevolent Association, Wolkowinitzer-Podolier Aid Society and Ladies Group, Wolochisker Benevolent Association; Wolochisker Relief Committee; Wolochisker Ladies Auxiliary, Woloziner Young Men's Benevolent Association. One folded map inserted. Verein, Jewish American Workers Benevolent Society, Jewish Lithuanian Organization of America, Jewish Mayden Verein; Jewish Majdaner Verein, "Jewish-Lithuanian Cultural Society ""Lite", Kalarasher Bessarabier Progressive Association, Kartuz-Berezer Social and Benevolent Association, Kieltzer Sick and Benevolent Society of New York, Kiever Independent Benevolent Association of Brooklyn, Kings County Progressive Benevolent Society, Kipiler Young Men's Benevolent Association, Kishinever Relief and Charity Society; also Kishinever Talmud Torah, Kleczawer Young Men's Benevolent Association, Kletzker Young Men's Benevolent Association, Kolbuszower Young Men's Benevolent Society, Koniner Young Men's Benevolent Association, Konopter Young Men's Benevolent Association, Kovler Voliner Young Men's Benevolent Association, Kreitzburger Jacobstadter Benevolent Association, Kremenitzer Wolyner Benevolent Association, Kremenitz-Ouiezd Relief Committee (Chicago), Kreminitzer Congregation Beth David Anshe Polin, Krivozer Fraternal Society of Greater New York, Labor Lyceum Association & Workmen's Circle Branches 173 & 258 of Greater Omaha, Labor Zionist Alliance (aka Jewish National Workers Alliance), Ladies Auxiliary of the Homler Shul Ahavas Chesed, Ladies Krementshuger Benevolent Association, Lantzuter Benevolent Association; Lantzuter Unt.Verein, Lenas Hatzedek Anshei Polin Benevolent Association, Leopold Einhorn Sick & Benevolent Society, Lieder Brothers Benevolent Association; Lieder Briider Unt. Copyright 2015-2023 Jewish Genealogical Society, Inc. Want to Renew? Chechelnicker Benevolent Association of Greater New York, Inc. Cherkasser-Smela Benevolent Association, Inc. Chevra Ahavas Achim Anshei Korson, Kiev province, Chevra Anshei Antepoler Society of Harlem, Chevra Anshei Lubavitz Nusach Ari of Newark, NJ, Chevra Anshei Prilok Benevolent Association, Chevra Ayin Yakub Kenesis Israel, Inc aka Chevra, Chevra Bikur Cholim Bnai Abraham Anshei Ostreich D'Harlem; Congregation Bnei Abraham (Harlem, NY), Chevra Bnai Abraham Shmuel Anshei Eishisker, Chevra Bnei Jacob Anshei Sherishow/Sherishower, Chevra Bnei Rabbi Menachem Mendel Anshei Dubrowa, Chevra Bnei Shomrei Israel of Brownsville, Chevra Gomle Chesed Anshe Drohobych and Boryslaw, Chevra Kadisha - The Holy Society of the City of New York, Chevra Kadisha Reim Ahuvim M'Hrubieshow Anshei Poylin, Chevra Mikra Kodesh Anshe Kladower/Congregation Mikroh Kodish Anshe Klodower, Chevra Ohav Shalom Nusach HaAri of Brooklyn, Chevra Sheares Israel Bahusher Stefanester Klaus, Chevra Tehilim Anshei Poalim (Passaic, NJ), Chevre Sheveth Achim Anshei Ratchantz/Ratchonz/Ratchanz, Chief Rabbi Leib Knepper Benevolent Association, Cholopenitzer (Belarus) Tchareier Branch 133; Cholopenitzer Progressive Branch 133, Workmen's Circle, Chotiner Bessarabier Branch 200, Workmen's Circle, Chotiner Yugend Branch 271, Workmen's Circle; Chotiner Bessarabier Branch 200, Cloak Operators Branch 401, Workmen's Circle, Combined Ostrovtzer Committee (Philadelphia), Committee for the Jewish Industrial Center in Kovno, Committee of Jewish Landsmanshaftn and Societies - United Committee of Jewish Societies and Landsmanshaft Federations, Committee of Semiatycher Yiskor Book of New York, Congregation Achei Grodno Vasapotkin and Chevra Mishnayos, Congregation Adath Wolkowisk of Brownsville, Congregation Agudas Achim Anshei Kurland & Lida ; Chevra Ahavath Achim Anshe Leda; Agudash Achim Anshei Kurland. 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Police Interrogation Monologue, Articles Y