For example, in a fight against six Schrats it is not very helpful except to clear out the saplings. Nimble usually performs better against weapons with high AID such as two-handed weapons or Crossbows, while Forge excels against repeated weak attacks. Then on turn 3 you should go last because you are a slow Forge unit, meaning your Indom/Spearwall/Reach/etc holds through turn 3 as well, allowing you to get two turns out of one use of the skill. LPR will reduce FAT cost first, also rounding up in the same way. For example, you can run a four front eight back formation where none of the frontliners are connected. Your Frenzy buff goes to waste if you just whiff on your next turn, so having higher base accuracy and/or accuracy boosting perks is helpful. It is common to find a cheap background early in the game who has terrible skill but good defensive potential. Any hit during the AoE will remove stacks as you would expect. Pathfinder isnt as good in some casesThe biggest downside to Pathfinder is going to be the inconsistency in the value that it provides. This is silly. If the Hexe decides to ignore your Resilient guy then he can try and make his way over to stun her. Otherwise you dont need it. Some people have run large companies of 2Hander + Polearm bros with QH and Rotation. Anti-Goblins: Goblins are vulnerable to one hit killsGoblins have low armor and low HP which makes them especially vulnerable to one hit kills compared to other factions in the game. You can combine this with other debuff skills like Stagger/Daze, or just use it on a fast Warhammer guy (as an example) who Batters down armor for other bros while applying Overwhelms. Disarm no longer has a -15% accuracy penalty. This is because you subtract one AP for the biome and also cancel the elevation change cost, making Pathfinder particularly useful in Hill/Snow maps. Footman is 60. Being smart about your targeting and injury delivery will help you get more value out of Executioner. If you plan on fighting the Kraken then Pathfinder is recommended. Famed shields are entirely at risk of being shattered (and they cannot be repaired if they are unless you have the Blacksmith in your Retinue). You can also use the extra 4AP to throw a Net or Grenade. This makes headshots weaker than expected, which disfavors Brow. at all times without running out of Fatigue or having to deal with Recovers normal drawback of losing a turn of defense. This is great if you want to skip the first perk line or if you want to take a large number of perks from the bottom half of the tree. 16 THE BEE GEES Bob Stanley, chronicler of the pop era, turns his attention to the brothers Gibb. However, given the chaotic nature of the battlefield, multiple brothers contributing damage, and damage rolls being variable, it is hard to predict how often Executioner helps or does not help. For blunt injuries it is good but for piercing injuries it is actually bad as the light piercing injuries are more likely to be useful than heavy piercing injuries. Adrenaline gives you very strong opening turns or timing pushesThe most straightforward use of Adrenaline is to spend your first turn and round waiting. More stats is always a good thing, and Gifted gives you the flexibility to grab stats in whichever stats you need. Named armors made even betterBecause Forge gets better the more durable the armor, it works especially well with very heavy (300+ durability) named armors. Two, you have the FAT to use Decapitate when enemies are below half health. There's two main reasons for this. If you are interested, check outthis threadwhere I tested various Duelists vs. I began writing this guide long before BD was announced. 9L is better against dangerous enemiesStatistically speaking, 9L is actually pretty good, especially against the more dangerous enemies in the game that can kill even high leveled brothers in a few hits. Combined with Resilient, you can completely avoid status effects with good timing. This is because the amount that it increases your survivability is unmatched by any other perk in the game, and it works favorably with strong skills like Nimble and Forge which you are likely going to be grabbing anyway. Without good armor, BF underperforms Nimble, let alone Nimble Dodge. The problem is colossus is irrelevant in such a good equipment and so is forged. With the BD buff to the 3-Head damage as well, it is now a great weapon for dealing a lot of morale checks with Duelist and/or against enemies with poor armor. Frontline Throwing: Bounce back and ThrowIf you want to use a frontline Thrower who isnt also a melee hybrid then FW can be a way to get him out once the enemy makes contact. In that sense Adrenaline is better on Forge units because they are relatively slow. How meaningful this is depends on the weapon. Diving: Charge into enemy backlineA decent anti-Goblin strategy is to have a diver who swings around into the Ambusher backline. So in this case CS actually might indeed make a big difference to the number of injuries you are inflicting early on. Dagger PunctureAside from just daggering for armor, a dedicated Dagger bro with Mastery using Puncture will really appreciate accuracy help to make up for Punctures -15 accuracy penalty. Without famed armor it is never worth it, you are better off specializing. Reason one is that heavy armor already does a great job at protecting you from ranged fire. Taunt is a much earlier and cheaper option if you are looking for control against these enemies. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Adrenaline/Indom: Strong skills but expensiveThere are many strong activatable skills you can be picking up and Brawny can help you use them more often. However, with Indebted capping at level 7, perks are at a premium, and the Whipped status already grants a large SKL bonus, making Backstabber harder to justify compared to other options. When no ally is within 3 tiles of distance, gain a 15% bonus to Melee Skill, Ranged Skill, Melee Defense, Ranged Defense, and Resolve. Initiative buildsBecause INI drops as you gain FAT, Initiative builds that tend to accumulate a lot of FAT can appreciate having Recover to help reset. Weaker weapons are negatively impacted by having HH. Turn order: Slower bros with Executioner can capitalize on prior injuriesExecutioners can benefit by being slow. Recover isnt for everyoneHowever, some players seem to slap Recover onto every bro assuming that it is going to be necessary or perhaps as a safety net. Misconception Nimble cant be used on the front lineNo. Thats not to say you cant use Adrenaline with Nimble, just that it is slightly better on Forge to help counter the low Initiative inherent with heavy armor. Chosen calc reference, Crippling Strikes Added two bullets in Mechanics Added CS usefulness against Nimble enemies Updated Shamshir Use Case, Colossus Added note on Forge section regarding Adrenaline/Indom nerfs Updated enemy units with Executioner, Nine Lives Added analysis on new BD buffs, Bags and Belts Added mentions of new grenades, Pathfinder Added new terrain types Trimmed some content in the main section Added note about enemy units with Pathfinder Added Use Cases about camps, Adrenaline, and the Library, Adrenaline Revised Discussion section considerably as much of it was about describing the cycle Revised some Use Cases Added a few more Use Cases, Recover Removed reference to Adrenaline cycle, Student Added Manhunter origin Mechanics, Executioner Slight edits regarding new enemies, Bullseye Added Handgonne mechanics Fixed an error in the Hexe Use Case Added Anti-Gunner into Use Cases, Dodge Added points about Nomads/Distracted and Gunners, Fortified Mind Added Banner/Lionheart mechanics Revised main section slightly Added Fearsome Use Case, Resilient Removed reference to Adrenaline cycle Split Discussion section into two pieces and added a bit Added Relentless Use Case, Steel Brow Updated calculation reference link Mentioned Assassin armor set in Nimble section, Quick Hands Added mention of 2H Mace into Qatal, Gifted Edited comparison to Mind/Brawny slightly, Backstabber Added note on Manhunter origin Updated surround mechanics as per stunned/ranged enemies change, Anticipation Added some Mechanics Added/revised some Use Cases Revised some content as per the new 10 RDF minimum effect, Shield Expert Slight edits, mentioned Blacksmith Retinue member, Brawny Revised example numbers and expected value as per change to 30% Removed or revised references to Adrenaline cycle, Relentless Added new sections regarding the change to negate the wait penalty, Rotation Mentioned Smoke Bombs in the Use Cases, Rally the Troops AP changed to 5 Added Alp, Pathfinder, and Fearsome Use Cases, Weapon Masteries Added new weapon skills introduced in Blazing Deserts Added related discussion to new BD weapons Added Sword Mastery effect on Gash, Reach Advantage Removed references to the Adrenaline cycle, Overwhelm Minor edits, added Arena Use Case, Lone Wolf Added some Mechanics Trimmed main section and some slight edits Revised most existing Use Cases somewhat Added several more Use Cases, Footwork Added kiting Use Case Added Anti-Mortar Use Case Mentioned overlap with Smoke Bombs, Berserk Removed reference to Adrenaline cycle, Head Hunter Revised almost entirely as per the new effect, Nimble Updated calculations and references as per calculator changes Updated Nimble weaknesses in the Discussion section Edited Use Cases with new armor and attachments, Battle Forged Updated calculations as per calculator changes Added 350/350 calculation to show famed armor value Removed refences to Adrenaline cycle, Fearsome Revised almost entirely as per the new effect, Duelist Updated Duelists vs. In this way, you can loosely translate your Gifted gain into +12 RES. Forge scales with armor durability and low damage levelsThe following table shows the simulated mean hits for a mix of thirty five enemies to kill a character with 80 HP and various armors (head/body), with and without Forge. If you are worried about Crossbows attacking your Forge units you would be better off taking Colossus instead since that is helpful for a number of other reasons as well. Use it if you can (and it makes sense for your bro/weapon), but be mindful of your accuracy. Premium heavy injuriesFractured Skull and Concussion are among the best injuries in the game. Having Rotations whether they are on your frontline or backline can be a great way to help distribute damage across the whole party instead of putting the full brunt of it onto the frontline. Ignoring the shield value does not count Shieldwall bonuses. Noble Sergeants do this (though not in the smartest way). Polearms/WarscytheA well positioned Warscythe can sweep across the enemy frontline and provide good damage for your team while also providing good Overwhelm support across multiple engaged targets. In BB, its a much better idea to focus fire your damage on just a few enemies at a time to quickly get kills rather than spreading damage around the enemy party. Executioner is inherently better on bros with other damage modifiers. Early game: Battles are short and units are fragileBecause early fights are short you have plenty of Fatigue to burn, you could reasonably cast Adrenaline several times. You have to out-speed your opponentThis is not always a trivial task. Added Duelist with Firelance Ignite mechanic. It works great with the Handgonnes ability to hit six targets at once. Unlocks the Rotation skill which allows two characters to switch places while ignoring zone of control as long as neither character is stunned, rooted or otherwise disabled. Brow has to compete with other strong early game picks like Colossus, Dodge, and Gifted, but it can be useful here to boost your durability. Riposte: Value hinges on dodgingRiposte retaliates with an attack for every time you dodge. Extra hit chance is appreciated here, even if it isnt used very often. The reason Lances/Axes are better than Swords, because they have easy/cheap access to 1-2 range.. Riposte focused builds will want Mastery for the accuracy and FAT. Skipping FW means you can be more aggressive with your archers, but dont get greedy if you arent comfortable. Overall, Brow isnt incredible on Nimble, but if you want a bit of extra passive durability and injury avoidance then you can pick it up. Shield Bearers Backup shieldsBarbarians and Orcs tend to smash shields and this can be taken advantage of. No amount of HP is too much HP for Nimble. The enemies are still there and your brother is still in danger. So another option for your Forge guys could be to take Colossus, raise your HP, and that makes you less dependent on Indom to survive and frees up your AP/FAT/perks to do other things. Every stat is huge. This is regardless of dealing 1-14 or 15+ damage. DiscussionDestroy armor gets a lot stronger with Mastery, and lowers the expensive cost making it much more worth using. Despite the awkward parts of Overwhelm, it can still be a good perk for certain bros or builds to provide general team support because again, the effect is strong. Two, it can help you farm for armor much more easily by controlling priority targets like Leaders while your team mops up their escort and later daggers them down. This guide will of course be subjected to my own biases, but I will still point out good ways to use perks that I dont personally like. Assassin armors are rare/hard to acquire, however. Most of the time Rally isnt going to do anything, but it is an insurance policy against disaster that you are going to want regardless. But having both nimble and battleforged is cool for frontline bros too. You can use it for mobility or repositioning for next turn. Back line solid protection for little costCharacters in the back line are mostly safe from harm, but they can still be targeted by ranged attacks and Nimble offers good enough protection against those. Battle Forge removed for Legionnaires and Auxiliaries. But archers rarely if ever need more than a total of two quivers of arrows (twenty shots) or one quiver of bolts (ten shots). You can . You can switch out a shield (4AP) and pop Indom for 5AP in the same turn, converting your 2Hander into a makeshift tank, should he find himself under a lot of pressure. You use Lash to setup your stack and then QH to a different weapon to capitalize. Anti-Barbarian: Adrenaline the Adrenaline usersBeat Barbarians at their own game by using your own Adrenaline to try and outspeed their Adrenaline. Battle Brothers: In-Depth Guide On Perks (2020 - Blazing Deserts Updates) Caves of Qud. Perks is a gameplay mechanic associated with the level up system of player's mercenaries. Footwork can only save yourself but Rotation can save yourself or save your buddy which makes it a lot more enticing. Plus: the new LPs and reissues of 2023. + A handy escape tool for vulnerable brothers+ Can be used offensively in creative ways+ Can allow you to be more aggressive, knowing that you have an out Expensive to cast, you may not have enough FAT when you most need it With smart play and good positioning it usually isnt needed Unlike Rotation, only saves yourself rather than being able to save others Similar effect achieved by QH with a Smoke Bomb, Costs 3 AP and 25 Fatigue Can be used multiple times per turn, AP/FAT allowing Can move up or down one height elevation Ignores Zone of Control. Forge protects better against the more common weak attackers. (To uninstall just remove the zip file from the data . Picking up Dodge/Relentless/Underdog, maybe also Gifted/Reach/Overwhelm can allow for even units with poor stats to effectively wield 2handers and achieve a good degree of passive durability due to increasing returns from defense, while still dishing out decent damage. Has anyone run calculations for a Battle Forged / Nimble build best armor combination? There are a number of ways to control this. Squire (Background) min./max. Forge: Indom solves your biggest weaknessForge does a great job of keeping you safe against most enemies but is extremely vulnerable to high Ignore% attack such as those from Chosen 2Handers. Backstabbers next competition is going to be other raw stat perks in general where it is less clear on how well Backstabber fairs. If you are engaged by 3+ enemies than Underdog is worth 10+ defense. Colossus is a lot stronger than you might expect since most backgrounds start with ~60 HP and that just isnt a comfortable number to stay at. Orcs: Most vulnerable to FearsomeOrcs already suffer from morale problems not because their RES is bad but rather because they have a lot of health so they tend to drop morale a few times before dying which makes it more noticeable than other enemies who just tend to die quickly instead. Since Barbarians are the most dangerous faction in the game right now, and Chosen are not trivial to injure, this has helped CS carve some niche value. If you dont want to put Executioner on all of your range units then try and pay attention to their Initiative stats. In this manner, Mind is indirectly a boost to your other stats by protecting their loss from morale drops and helping gain Confidence. Due to the increasing returns from high MDF, Dodge is potentially extremely strong when used on a bro with already high MDF. Given that enemies have defense and some of them high, it is hard to have too much SKL. is now worth 10% per stack, up from 8%, Nine Lives now clears existing DoT effects upon triggering, and grants +15 MDF/RDF/RES/INI until bros next turn, Anticipation now also provides a minimum of 10 RDF if the formula would have yielded less, Relentless now negates the 25% Initiative penalty of waiting, Sword Mastery now buffs Gash Injury chances. Backstabber starts adding up toward the end of the battle as the enemy team crumbles and you can more easily stack more surround bonuses. Honor Guard is 55. People say that since you slowly gain stats in Veteran levels that Gifted must be bad, but if thats the argument then all of the other perks Ive compared Gifted to must also be bad right? 60 minimum, 70+ before LW is recommended which usually means that you are going to have to pick up Mind. So you are saying that I dont need RDF?Yes, thats exactly what Im saying. Review: How close does Elex come to Gothic? The more time they spend breaking your shield is more time that they are wasting. Most fights are decidedly won in the first few turns, and your bros should have enough FAT to operate for a few turns without needing to Recover. So Relentless offers 0-6 defense over the course of the fight. If your bro is missing his attacks then Reach is not helping you. Taking Relentless just for the sole purpose of maintaining high Dodge value is not very compelling. Rotation can also help with mobility. Nimble vs Battle Forged; The final answer. Bro has a Heavy Crossbow and no perks except with or without Crossbow Mastery. Usually, base FAT is sufficient for Nimble characters so leveling their HP instead should be a priority. DiscussionMastery is very good for Crossbows, increasing Ignore% from 50% to 70% (Heavy Crossbows) which is extremely helpful for Crossbows doing what they want to do, which is dishing out injuries at will, and killing things through their armor. Single target 2Handers have greater damage per FAT efficiency, and AoE 2Handers have nice AoE skills. Gain 15% of the characters current Initiative as a bonus to Melee and Ranged Defense. As you can see from this example, Indom made us take far less than half damage. The original frontliner can then continue in the back with a Polearm or use Recover so that he can Rotate back in with more AoE attacks. This removes 9Ls old weakness to Cleaver enemies. See the Game Mechanics section for clarity The normal headshot modifier is 1.5 Brute increases the headshot modifier by .15 1H Axe increases the headshot modifier by .5 Is not effected by the secondary hit of Split Man from 2H Axes, but the primary hit follows normal HH logic Ifrits do not have heads to damage and have Brow (if that even matters), so HH is functionally irrelevant against them. Can try and make his way over to stun her is recommended is worth 10+.! Review: how close does Elex come to Gothic except with or without Crossbow Mastery Crossbow! Various Duelists vs or having to deal with Recovers normal drawback of a... Worth it, you can be taken advantage of it works great the... Actually might indeed make a big difference to the brothers Gibb Executioner is inherently on! 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